Saturday 26 December 2015

First Draft of website homepage

This is the first draft of my website homepage, this was created using Wix.

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Digital Mock-up of website

This is the website that I designed for the summer work and is not representative of the final product.
home page


Live Events



Music: Albums

Music: Features

Digital Mock-up of album cover

This was made when we were preparing for our pitch and it is not representative of the final product.

Costume That Our Artists Will Wear (repost)

For brand image

For music video

Photos for ancillary products

Powered by emaze

Brief overview of the “Do’s and Don’ts” of design work

Short list of fonts, colours, layout and design ideas

Inspiration for ancillary products

Powered by emaze

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Analysis of Halestorm's website

Website name:  Halestorm
Genre: Rock
Where do the links and icons take you?
What images are used?
Tour, Store, Lzzy’s Diary (Tumblr Page), Music, Video, Photos, News, Fan club and Social Media
The Halestorm logo, merchandise and the album cover.
Fonts: what styles, colours and sizes of fonts are used?
What is the ratio of image to text?
The text is white and bold throughout, however at some points it larger than other texts.
Slightly more text than image
How does the website speak to its audience? Informal or formal? Examples?
How is costume and other elements of mise-en-scene presented
It speaks very formally. For example: “Halestorm’s own Arejay Hale is nominated for Best Drummer in Music Radar’s 2015 end of year poll! Vote for Arejay (as many times as you’d like) at the link below!”
It is presented only in the album cover.
How does the overall use of colour relate to the genre?

It looks clean, as the rock genre can be soft as well as harsh.

Analysis of Disturbed's website

Website name: Disturbed
Genre: Rock
Where do the links and icons take you?
What images are used?
News, bio, music, tour, videos, community, merch store, music store and social media.
Album cover and deluxe edition of new album.
Fonts: what styles, colours and sizes of fonts are used?
What is the ratio of image to text?
The band name is the same as the album; however the rest of the text is small and blue.
More text than images.
How does the website speak to its audience? Informal or formal? Examples?
How is costume and other elements of mise-en-scene presented
Speaks in an informal tone. For example it says “My brothers and sister. My blood!” Acting if the audience and the band is part of a huge family.
Does not show other mise-en-scene.
How does the overall use of colour relate to the genre?

The harsh colours reflect the genre.

Website ideas

Group design ideas:
-Logo in centre
-Gallery of images
-Social media links
-Soundcloud of main single, Prisoner
-Information on band
-Quite plain
-Merchandise store

Individual ideas:
-links to my own digipak in terms of artwork and style
-Tagline "We will not be prisoners to destiny"
-More detailed info on band

Website planning

Group ideas:

  • Logo in centre
  • Gallery
  • Videos
  • Social media
  • Soundcloud link
  • Merchandise
  • Quite basic
Own Ideas:

  • Wide shot of Band
  • No tagline
  • Basic info - Band members

Digipak ideas

Group ideas:

  • Shot of my hands tied behind chair
  • Blue tint 
  • Photo of band in booklet
  • Band and title of album
  • Black, white and blue colour scheme.
  • Dark colours link with hard rock.
  • Back cover has tracklist, barcode, record label and institutional information.
Own ideas:
  • Text on front will be white
  • Tracklist will be white
  • Mid-shot of hands tied
  • Wide-shot of band on back cover
  • CD black and text on it is white.

Digipak ideas

Group ideas:
-Image of Tim (the prisoner) tied in chair
-Photo of band in booklet
-Band and title of album
-Bluish tint
-Band and title of album on CD
-Black white and blue colour scheme - Dark colours link to genre of hard rock/metal
-Back cover includes:  Tracklist, record label, producer, copyright info.

Own ideas:
-Black text on front and back track-listing
-White copyright information
-Quite plain back cover
-Band photo on inside panel

Analysis of Halestorm digipak

Architects - Lost Forever // Lost Together album digipak

Artist: Architects
Album Name: Lost Forever // Lost Together
Genre: Metalcore

The central image of the album is the band logo, with artwork behind. The artwork is symmetrical, almost like a flower or a tattoo. The main colours are black and white (as well as grey). This logo, colour scheme and the flower-like artwork is used throughout the website as well as the music video.

The back of the album has the tracklist, copyright information, barcode and the record label. It keeps with the black and white colour scheme and is the same font throughout (except for the legal information at the bottom). There is more image than text on the front cover, but the image is just the background to the text on the back, in which the text is on the higher ratio. The overall colour of the digipak being mostly black relates to the genre of metal which is associated with dark colours such as black or grey.

Analysis of Disturbed digipak

Foo Fighters - Sonic Highways digipak

Artist: Foo Fighters
Album: Sonic Highways
Genre: Rock

The central image is a collage of cities in the US, which relates to the title of the album, Sonic Highways (possibly saying we are all united through music, well America is at least).

The CD itself is black and white, and looks like an old vinyl. It has the album name, the artist, producers and the record label written on it, as well as the copyright information.

The back of the album is almost a blend of the front cover and the front cover. It has the black and white of the CD but with a slightly brown tint like the front cover. It has the record label, an image of the band, producers, barcode, tracklist and the copyright information. The front cover is entirely an image, however the back of the album has more text than images. The use of colour is dark, the use of blacks and browns relate to the genre as Rock is often associated with things that are dark or gritty.

The music video for In The Clear also has this brownish tint.

The Importance and function of digipaks in the music industry

Digipaks are meant to display the artist's brand image, be recognisable to a fan/listener as a product of the artist. It is meant to be clear who the CD belongs to the artist. It is meant to link to the synergy of all of the other aspects of the promotion of the album, which could be the website, or a music video. It is the final product of the promotion of an album, but the beginning of the album cycle. The first thing you notice about an album, before you hear it, before you listen to it, is the way it looks. IT not only is a promotional feature, but it is the product. People want a product to be attractive, for it to look good. It isn't the most important part of the album, as the music is what an album really is at its core, however to have that product in your hands and for it to be visually impressive makes the experience that much more unforgettable. There can be multiple versions (editions) of an album if needed. There can be multiple additional features which make it more special, such as an album sleeve (as shown in Rihanna's album Loud)

or a second disk with bonus tracks or a DVD, such as with Periphery's album Juggernaut: Omega which has a behind the scenes DVD of the making of the album

Summary of class discussion around the importance and function of digipaks to the music industry

In the lesson we saw digipaks from both Rhianna and Lady Gaga. We saw how they are meant to display the artists' images and entice the target audience to purchase the special editions of the album. The example of this we saw was Lady Gaga's album "Fame The Monster". In this we saw that they had multiple versions of the album. This ranged from the original, plain CD all the way to the Gold edition, which contained the most amount of bonus content.  We saw with Rhianna's album "Loud" that she had a bonus CD that came with the original one, as well as a sleeve to help keep the album nice and clean. The album also had artwork inside which spread across three panels, which kept the same themes of the album which was red roses.
We also looked at Adele's website. In this we saw that the first thing you'd see was her announcement video explaining that she is now going on tour for the first time in her career. Underneath that, there were links to purchase her new album "25". We also looked at Krept and Konan's website. In this all it was, was their album cover and links to external websites. This is normally common in other websites.

Thursday 3 December 2015

Editing 6: Return of Camtasia

Feedback to rough cut

This is some feedback from two other media students.

Logo - Jack


We will be adding the bands logo at the end of the video, which adds to the link between the album cover and the video.

Here's the logo:

Editing 5 - The Project Strikes Back

Our attempts at adding a wobble effect have been a long and difficult trek. We can only hold on to hope as we try to prove that this is not futile.


Editing 4 - A New FLOP


Editing our music video for Apposition's song Prisoner. We seem to encounter a new threat which could end us........ THE WOBBLE/WIGGLE EFFECT!


Tuesday 1 December 2015

Editing 3 - Revenge of the FLIP

Hello again, we have even more editing to show you..... Enjoy!

Editing 2 - Electric Bugaloo

Hi there, we did more editing, so check it out.

Second Rough Cut

Hi there, this is our second rough cut of our music video (at the time this was done we had just finished filming)

Filming Bloopers - Tim


Here are some bloopers from the filming of our music video for Apposition's Prisoner.

Enjoy! :D

Saturday 28 November 2015

Behind The Scenes Vlog, Performance - Jack

Hi again!

Here is some more behind the scenes of the filming of our music video, this video being the performance half.


Behind The Scenes Vlog, Narrative - Jack


This is some behind the scenes of the filming of our music video, this video being the narrative element of it.

Vlog trouble - Jack


So I was editing the filming vlog to put on the blog, and after hours of editing and nearly being finished, all the files just stop showing on the edit screen. I then close it and reopen it, and the files are completely gone, as if all the time I spent editing didn't even
It has taken a while to get all of the files together in one place as it was all filmed from 3 different cameras (some things Andrew randomly filmed, as well as my phone and a camera I brought to the narrative filming days). Also, we have both been incredibly busy with editing the film, as well as trying to balance it with coursework from other subjects. Ideally, we would have uploaded it on Monday or Tuesday, but we have been too busy with editing the music video itself. We decided it would be best to upload the vlogs all at the same time to avoid confusion and it being in small bits as there was only so much filmed. I'll re-edit it and upload it tonight.

I put the same thing on our Facebook page.

Wednesday 25 November 2015

6 Minute Exports Are Fun - Jack

This is us exporting our second rough cut for our music video, Prisoner. It took around 6-8 minutes (it never gives an accurate estimate).

Editing - Camtasia

So here is some editing of the music video. Unfortunately, we weren't able to record all three screens at once, so the edit window itself wasn't really picked up, however you can still see plenty of relevant things happen in this video.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Feedback for second rough cut

Here is some feedback we got from our class on the second rough cut for our music video for Prisoner by Apposition.

Friday 23 October 2015

Key Code Background for Phone - Jack


here's the key code background we're going to be using on the phone. This is where the thugs want Tim to input the key code they want so they can access the files they want. This will be on my phone during the filming of the narrative. It looks all hi-tech so that it looks important and convincing that the thugs really need it, most likely for financial gain or certain information to use as blackmail. This doesn't really need to be specified in the video (as the audience just want to be entertained by the visuals, they can assume financial gain or blackmail if they want). I made this in Adobe Photoshop.

Feedback for pitch

Heres our feedback

Thursday 22 October 2015

Order for pitch

Song Choice
Brand image
Initial Idea
Audience 1
Audience 2
Setting and Location/Costume
Draft Digipack/Website:
Tim -
Jack -
Ancillary stuff
Go Pro 1
Go Pro 2
Disappear into dust
Guitar go Pro
Green screen
Post Production
Shot list
Production Schedule
Risk Assessment
Social Media

Wider Audience - Timothy

Rough Animatic - Jack


Here is a rough animatic for our music video. This is how much we have so far (about 30 seconds), but we hope to have the full animatic finished by the end of the week, along with the storyboard. Enjoy!

Digipak draft - Timothy

Storyboard - Jack


Here's the storyboard. It's not completely finished, however the extensive shot list more than illustrates the music video we have in mind.

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Shot List - Jack

Hello there

Here we give a detailed shot list, with details on what is happening in each shot. Each different colour of highlighting represents a different section.

1.       High angle wide/long shot of band, with crab movement from right to left
2.       Song kicks in – Medium long shot of Tim running in woods – panning/tracking him
3.       Go pro close up as he’s running
4.       Close up of guitar
5.       Mid shot of drummer hitting and choking cymbal hit.
6.       Low angle mid shot of person chasing Tim
7.       Mid shot of drummer hitting ride cymbal
8.       Wide shot of band
9.       Long shot in front of Tim as he runs towards the camera, being chased by three thuggish people
10.   Mid shot of bass
11.   Wide shot of band
12.   Long shot of Tim being knocked down
13.   Close up of Tim’s hands being tied
14.   Mid shot of sack being put over Tim’s head
15.   High angle wide/long shot of band, with slight crab movement (right to left, almost continuing from shot 1)
16.   Close up of guitar
17.   Mid shot of drums
18.   Mid shot of sack being pulled of Tim’s head – also arch shot (sped up between)
19.   Mid shot of singer
20.   Medium-close up of singer from the right
21.   Over the shoulder shot of Tim, with people shouting at him
22.   Mid shot of vocalist, with crab movement
23.   Long shot of band
24.   Mid shot of phone being placed in front of Tim
25.   Close up of Tim shaking his head
26.    Mid shot from the left  of Tim getting punched (with fake blood coming out of his mouth in slow motion)
27.   Mid shot of vocalist
28.   Low-angle mid shot of drummer, from the left
29.   Low angle long shot of the band
30.   High angle mid shot Tim in the corner
31.   Medium-close up of singer from the right
32.   High angle mid shot Tim in the corner
33.   POV of him looking up and seeing his girlfriend
34.   Long shot of Tim reaching out to her
35.   Mid shot of her disintegrating
36.   Close up of Tim
37.   Mid shot of Tim putting his head in his arm
38.    Mid shot of vocalist
39.   Long shot of band
40.   Mid shot of drummer
41.   Mid shot of bassist
42.   Long shot of band
43.   Mid shot of vocalist’s guitar
44.   Mid shot of guitarist
45.   Low angle mid shot of drummer coming from the left
46.   Mid shot of bassist
47.   Close up of guitar
48.   High angle wide/long shot of band, with slight crab movement (right to left, almost continuing from shot 15)
49.   Low angle mid shot of drummer coming from the left
50.   Long shot with tracking movement of Tim being dragged into other room (slow motion)
51.   Medium long shot of Tim being dragged into the room
52.   Close up of bucket of water
53.   Mid shot of Vocalist
54.   Mid Shot of Drummer
55.   Mid shot from the side of Tim being handed the phone, but he shakes his head
56.   Mid shot coming from the side of Tim’s head being dunked into water
57.   Go pro close up from inside the water as Tim’s head is in the bucket of water
58.   Long shot from behind Tim as we see him struggling in the water
59.   Mid shot coming from the side of Tim’s head being pulled out of the water in slow motion
60.   Low angle long shot of the band
61.   High angle mid shot Tim in the corner
62.   Medium-close up of singer from the right
63.   High angle mid shot Tim in the corner
64.   Long shot of his girlfriend looking at him
65.   Medium shot of him putting his head in his arms
66.   Same shot as 64, but his girlfriend is gone
67.   Mid shot of vocalist
68.   Mid shot of guitar
69.   Long shot of band
70.   Mid shot of drummer
71.   Close up of bass
72.   Close up of Daniel’s guitar
73.   Close up of Andrew’s guitar
74.   Mid shot of guitarist
75.   Long shot of band
76.   Close up of Tim, but pans to a long shot of the interrogators walking in the door with a plate with bread and the phone
77.   Mid shot of Tim getting given the bread, but refusing then knocking the plate out of the interrogator's hand
78.   Slow-mo mid-close up of plate smashing
79.   Mid shot of drummer
80.   Long shot of band
81.   Mid low angle shot coming from left of drummer
82.    Medium-long shot of Tim grabbing one of the interrogators by the shoulders and head-butting him.
83.   Close up/go pro shot of guitarist
84.   Mid shot of Tim being punched by another interrogator
85.   Long shot of band
86.   Jump cut to close up of Tim being punched
87.   Mid shot of guitarist
88.   Medium long shot of Tim being put in the chair
89.   Close up/go pro shot of guitarist
90.   Close up of Tim being tied to the chair
91.   Mid shot of guitarist
92.   Mid shot of Tim in the chair screaming in anger
93.   Over the shoulder shot of interrogators leaving the room
94.   Close up/go pro shot of guitarist
95.   Long shot of band
96.   Close up/go pro shot of guitarist
97.   Mid shot of guitarist
98.   Mid shot of bassist
99.   Mid shot of vocalist
100.            Close up/go pro shot of guitarist
101.            Long shot of guitarist
102.            Mid shot of guitarist
103.            Low angle long shot of the band
104.            High angle mid shot Tim in the chair
105.            Medium-close up of singer from the right
106.            High angle mid shot Tim in the chair
107.            Over the shoulder shot of his girlfriend looking at him, then looks at the broken bit of plate on the floor, with the camera tiling down wand a pull focus on the piece of broken plate
108.            Medium shot of him looking down,  realising that he has the chance to escape, then looks back up at her
109.            Over the shoulder shot at his girlfriend, who is gone
110.            Mid shot of vocalist
111.            Mid shot of guitar
112.            Long shot of band
113.            Long shot of Tim falling on his chair in slow motion
114.            Medium shot of Tim falling on his hair in slow motion
115.            Close up of Tim's face as he hits the ground in slow motion
116.            Medium long shot of the band in slow motion
117.            Close up of Tim's hands grabbing the piece of broken plate
118.            Medium shot of vocalist in slow motion
119.            Close up of Tim trying to cut to rope
120.            Go pro close up of guitar
121.            Close up of Tim's face as he struggles
122.            Medium close up coming from the side of vocalist as he sings “whoaa” in slow motion
123.            Long shot of band as they go from slow motion to normal time
124.            Mid shot of drummer
125.            Medium close up coming from the side of vocalist
126.            Medium shot of guitarist
127.            Close up/go-pro shot of bassist
128.            Long shot of interrogator walking into room, seeing the empty chair with the rope on the floor
129.            Mid shot of the rope on the floor next to the chair, slowly zooming inwards
130.            Jump cut into a close up of the rope, still slowly zooming inwards
131.            Long shot of band
132.            Mid shot of vocalist  looking into the camera
133.            Mid shot of drummer hitting the snare
134.            4 jump cuts of the rope, going inwards in unison with the 4 snare hits
135.            Long shot of band with panning movement and a fade to black

136.            Black screen