Wednesday 21 October 2015

Shot List - Jack

Hello there

Here we give a detailed shot list, with details on what is happening in each shot. Each different colour of highlighting represents a different section.

1.       High angle wide/long shot of band, with crab movement from right to left
2.       Song kicks in – Medium long shot of Tim running in woods – panning/tracking him
3.       Go pro close up as he’s running
4.       Close up of guitar
5.       Mid shot of drummer hitting and choking cymbal hit.
6.       Low angle mid shot of person chasing Tim
7.       Mid shot of drummer hitting ride cymbal
8.       Wide shot of band
9.       Long shot in front of Tim as he runs towards the camera, being chased by three thuggish people
10.   Mid shot of bass
11.   Wide shot of band
12.   Long shot of Tim being knocked down
13.   Close up of Tim’s hands being tied
14.   Mid shot of sack being put over Tim’s head
15.   High angle wide/long shot of band, with slight crab movement (right to left, almost continuing from shot 1)
16.   Close up of guitar
17.   Mid shot of drums
18.   Mid shot of sack being pulled of Tim’s head – also arch shot (sped up between)
19.   Mid shot of singer
20.   Medium-close up of singer from the right
21.   Over the shoulder shot of Tim, with people shouting at him
22.   Mid shot of vocalist, with crab movement
23.   Long shot of band
24.   Mid shot of phone being placed in front of Tim
25.   Close up of Tim shaking his head
26.    Mid shot from the left  of Tim getting punched (with fake blood coming out of his mouth in slow motion)
27.   Mid shot of vocalist
28.   Low-angle mid shot of drummer, from the left
29.   Low angle long shot of the band
30.   High angle mid shot Tim in the corner
31.   Medium-close up of singer from the right
32.   High angle mid shot Tim in the corner
33.   POV of him looking up and seeing his girlfriend
34.   Long shot of Tim reaching out to her
35.   Mid shot of her disintegrating
36.   Close up of Tim
37.   Mid shot of Tim putting his head in his arm
38.    Mid shot of vocalist
39.   Long shot of band
40.   Mid shot of drummer
41.   Mid shot of bassist
42.   Long shot of band
43.   Mid shot of vocalist’s guitar
44.   Mid shot of guitarist
45.   Low angle mid shot of drummer coming from the left
46.   Mid shot of bassist
47.   Close up of guitar
48.   High angle wide/long shot of band, with slight crab movement (right to left, almost continuing from shot 15)
49.   Low angle mid shot of drummer coming from the left
50.   Long shot with tracking movement of Tim being dragged into other room (slow motion)
51.   Medium long shot of Tim being dragged into the room
52.   Close up of bucket of water
53.   Mid shot of Vocalist
54.   Mid Shot of Drummer
55.   Mid shot from the side of Tim being handed the phone, but he shakes his head
56.   Mid shot coming from the side of Tim’s head being dunked into water
57.   Go pro close up from inside the water as Tim’s head is in the bucket of water
58.   Long shot from behind Tim as we see him struggling in the water
59.   Mid shot coming from the side of Tim’s head being pulled out of the water in slow motion
60.   Low angle long shot of the band
61.   High angle mid shot Tim in the corner
62.   Medium-close up of singer from the right
63.   High angle mid shot Tim in the corner
64.   Long shot of his girlfriend looking at him
65.   Medium shot of him putting his head in his arms
66.   Same shot as 64, but his girlfriend is gone
67.   Mid shot of vocalist
68.   Mid shot of guitar
69.   Long shot of band
70.   Mid shot of drummer
71.   Close up of bass
72.   Close up of Daniel’s guitar
73.   Close up of Andrew’s guitar
74.   Mid shot of guitarist
75.   Long shot of band
76.   Close up of Tim, but pans to a long shot of the interrogators walking in the door with a plate with bread and the phone
77.   Mid shot of Tim getting given the bread, but refusing then knocking the plate out of the interrogator's hand
78.   Slow-mo mid-close up of plate smashing
79.   Mid shot of drummer
80.   Long shot of band
81.   Mid low angle shot coming from left of drummer
82.    Medium-long shot of Tim grabbing one of the interrogators by the shoulders and head-butting him.
83.   Close up/go pro shot of guitarist
84.   Mid shot of Tim being punched by another interrogator
85.   Long shot of band
86.   Jump cut to close up of Tim being punched
87.   Mid shot of guitarist
88.   Medium long shot of Tim being put in the chair
89.   Close up/go pro shot of guitarist
90.   Close up of Tim being tied to the chair
91.   Mid shot of guitarist
92.   Mid shot of Tim in the chair screaming in anger
93.   Over the shoulder shot of interrogators leaving the room
94.   Close up/go pro shot of guitarist
95.   Long shot of band
96.   Close up/go pro shot of guitarist
97.   Mid shot of guitarist
98.   Mid shot of bassist
99.   Mid shot of vocalist
100.            Close up/go pro shot of guitarist
101.            Long shot of guitarist
102.            Mid shot of guitarist
103.            Low angle long shot of the band
104.            High angle mid shot Tim in the chair
105.            Medium-close up of singer from the right
106.            High angle mid shot Tim in the chair
107.            Over the shoulder shot of his girlfriend looking at him, then looks at the broken bit of plate on the floor, with the camera tiling down wand a pull focus on the piece of broken plate
108.            Medium shot of him looking down,  realising that he has the chance to escape, then looks back up at her
109.            Over the shoulder shot at his girlfriend, who is gone
110.            Mid shot of vocalist
111.            Mid shot of guitar
112.            Long shot of band
113.            Long shot of Tim falling on his chair in slow motion
114.            Medium shot of Tim falling on his hair in slow motion
115.            Close up of Tim's face as he hits the ground in slow motion
116.            Medium long shot of the band in slow motion
117.            Close up of Tim's hands grabbing the piece of broken plate
118.            Medium shot of vocalist in slow motion
119.            Close up of Tim trying to cut to rope
120.            Go pro close up of guitar
121.            Close up of Tim's face as he struggles
122.            Medium close up coming from the side of vocalist as he sings “whoaa” in slow motion
123.            Long shot of band as they go from slow motion to normal time
124.            Mid shot of drummer
125.            Medium close up coming from the side of vocalist
126.            Medium shot of guitarist
127.            Close up/go-pro shot of bassist
128.            Long shot of interrogator walking into room, seeing the empty chair with the rope on the floor
129.            Mid shot of the rope on the floor next to the chair, slowly zooming inwards
130.            Jump cut into a close up of the rope, still slowly zooming inwards
131.            Long shot of band
132.            Mid shot of vocalist  looking into the camera
133.            Mid shot of drummer hitting the snare
134.            4 jump cuts of the rope, going inwards in unison with the 4 snare hits
135.            Long shot of band with panning movement and a fade to black

136.            Black screen

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