Monday 18 January 2016

Evaluation Question 4 - Jack

Here's my answer to the fourth evaluation question

Survey #1:

I am glad that a large number of people enjoyed it, and it is a huge relief that nobody clicked on either of the last two options. This feedback is pretty positive.

This feedback is also very positive. The  "kind of" and "not really" answers are justified in the comments, which is great.

I would agree with both of these, these to be honest. With the mise en scene, I did feel that we could have used a different location for the narrative, somewhere more gritty, however we couldn't find anywhere. It is unfortunate that someone told us a great location while we were nearly finished editing, since they had used it in their own project. With the lighting, I would definitely agree since a couple of the shots are overexposed, especially the long shot of the band, which is due to the dedo lights not having a filter on them.

While editing the video, I did realise that it was going much better and felt a lot smoother than the planning or filming of the music video. The mise en scene, I felt, was great for the performance part of the video. For the performance, we had the perfect location, costumes, and our band members were the people who wrote the song, so they could play it well, so they weren't mindlessly miming along to a song they didn't know.

I am relieved to see that the majority of people thought that the music video could have reached its target audience, however it is a great shame that it wasn't obvious enough what the target audience was, for whatever reason. I personally thought that it would have reached its target audience very well, however I understand that feedback is the most important thing as it gives you insight to where the real problems lie.

It is good to see that the majority of the people who have seen the video would at least consider adding the album to their collection, which shows that it was successful regardless.

These comments are largely positive, however any criticism is definitely justifiable. The comment of how the band should have moved around more is a fair point, and was possibly due to bad direction rather than being the band's fault. The comment on the location was more than accurate, and I accept that as a flaw that could have been avoided. 

Survey #2:

I am relieved to see that no one believed that this was a truly unconventional digipak for the genre. However, I do realise that there could be room for improvement, which is evident in the response of "somewhat".

Similarly, I am relieved to see that no one believed that this was a truly unconventional website for the genre. Again, there is likely room for improvement as someone had expressed that the website is only "somewhat" conventional for a hard rock band. This likely could have been due to the face that the background only covered the top part of the homepage, which is actually a fault with Weebly, the website maker I used. I probably should have made the website using Wix, as this is not a known problem with it.

I am glad that the use of synergy is made apparent and that the brand image is made clear. However I do agree with the person who said "somewhat" as the texture used in the digipak should have been made more apparent on the website, possibly with it being a full background.

I am glad that the simple layout of everything is appreciated by those who took the survey, and I am glad that the synergy between the products is recognised.

Overall, the feedback has constantly been putting us back on course, and has helped me to view things in a different light. Without the feedback, the video would have faults that would be too irritating not to fix, however myself and Tim may not have even noticed them until the video was released.

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