Tuesday 22 September 2015

Analysis of costume, setting and location in music video genres

Pick three music videos – each from a different genre – and focus on the use of setting, costumes and props.  Make notes using the grid below and post your analysis to your blog along with the embedded videos. 

Video 1: Slipknot – The Devil in I
Video 2: Disturbed – The Vengeful One
Video 3: Ninja Sex Party – Unicorn Wizard
Use of costume
Record how many costume changes there are in the video.
How does the use of costume link to the verse-chorus-verse structure?
Examine how the costumes link to the lyrics, setting and location.
How does the use of costume link to this genre?  Is it typical?
There are 2 costume changes throughout the whole video.
The entire band members are wearing boiler-suits as that is their trademark look. The boiler-suits are dark and dank in order to reflect on the location that they are in.
The protagonist is dressed in a destroyed black robe and with chain wrapped around it. This is to represent how the heavy metal fan-base, as the antagonists dress up in suits and ties.   
There are 3 costume changes for the lead main singer in the video. The costume changes in the chorus and then changes back to how it looks in the first verse. The costumes are not very typical with this genre (comedy) as the costumes can change for each comedy band/singer.
Use of setting and location
How many different locations does the video contain?
How does the setting and location link to the costume?
Are well-known locations used?
How does the use of setting and location link to the genre?  Are they typical?
The video is set in a warehouse, which makes it an internal location. The location dark and dank which reflects the heavy tones that the genre (heavy metal) tries to create.
The video is set in an apocalyptic version of earth. It is done to represent how the media tries to makes the world live in fear of war.
There are 8 different locations in the video but most of them are in front of a green-screen. The locations and settings are outlandish like the lead character’s costume.   

Video 1:
Video 2:
Video 3:
Use of props
Does the video contain any specific of typical props of this genre?
How do the props link with the lyrics/locations in the video?
The props that are used are items that “kill” the band members. This reflects the dark tones of metal as the band members are killed in violent ways.
The props that are used that the weapons that the protagonist uses to fight against the antagonists.
The video contains a lot of over-the-top props, which is normally seen in the comedy genre.


1.    What do you notice about the amount of costumes used in the videos?  They seem to change more in the comedy ones, as they make more over-the-top ones as the video goes on.
2.    What differences are there between the genres in terms of the amount and style of the costumes? In the first 2 videos, the style of costume is more dark and serious, whereas in the third video they are more over-the-top as they reflect what they’re genres’ sound like.
3.    Compare the use of setting and location between the three genres – what similarities and differences can you spot? The locations in the first 2 videos are more dark and serious, whereas the third video’s locations are more bright and crazy to replicate how crazy the song is.
4.    How significant is the use of props in the genres that you analysed? The props were more significant to the third video, as the video was an illustration, it would use all of the props that the lyrics would mention.

Post your answers along with your analysis to your blog.  This is an individual blog post.  

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